Sunday, April 21, 2013

"how to"

How to make a Silicone Mold 

Step 1: Fill a bucket with warm soapy water, squeeze your silicone into the bucket. It will cling together in a ball.

Step 2: Cover your hands with dish soap and pull the silicone form the bucket of soapy water. The soap will act as a lubricant between your hands and the sitcky silicone.

Step 3: Apply the silicone to your object you wish to mold, making sure to press the silicone down into negative spaces, and set to dry on a surface coated with vaseline.

Step 4: Carefully remove your object from the silicone mold. Use an exacto knife to make strategic cuts in order to safely remove your object without ruining your mold.

Step 5: Set your molds upright on a suface, i use duct tape to keep them closed.

Step 6: Pour your plaster into your molds, tapping them gently to get rid of air bubbles. let them set over night.

Step 7: Referring to step 4, carefully remove your newly cast object from your mold.

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